I will be at SuperBooth in Berlin this year exhibiting 3 new controllers as well as some DIY eurorack projects. Booth 0542:
As I am working hard preparing the new products, I will post more updates and cool stuff about the process of making those products as a countdown to SuperBooth.
Come along to check out the controllers or just say hi!
I have 2 units in the shop of the new version of the SFC-Mini. Those are testing units of the new model, 100% working and fully functional. New features are the rocker switches, very Minimoog-like! The front panel is wood with a protective coating, the sides and back plate are black acrylic plastic. Only 2 units were made with this finish and color scheme.
Please note the product pictures are done in my living in an amateur set-up.
The people have spoken. Every week I am getting emails from people wanting to get their hands on a controller…
This got me excited about redesign my controllers. I got new connections with suppliers and companies which will yield better products. I also was able to redesign using parts that are faster to assemble which means more efficiency for me. The SFC-101 WILL NOT come back due to the very low demand.
If you are interested in buying a SoundForce controller, you can suscribe to the mailing list : https://goo.gl/forms/LAg7GBQXtel8lEPk2
Pictures will come soon.
I decided to drop the MIDI controllers to make time to work on new exciting projects, modular projects! I am starting by building a lot of DIY modules, some kits, some own designs. With a CNC router I also built my case. The first SoundForce modules will come during summer 2017.
Unfortunately there is no chance to get a SoundForce controller anymore, as I don’t have PCBs and front panels in stock. The low demand made it impossible to mass-produce the products, the failed kickstarter campaign confirmed my assumptions. The fact that they were not just blown synths never justified the price tag for a lot of people. But due to the amount of controls and the hand assembly I could not just reduce the price. A great experience anyway!
The first batch of SFC-60 is finally sold out. The controller “might” get an update and a new production batch later this year. It depends on how busy I get with freelancing/consulting and prototyping some Eurorack modules. I ordered some PCBs for the SFC-Mini, there will be stock around October-November.
To kick off the European Maker Week, I am running big discount on the SFC-101 controller this month (only 185 euro instead of 249/non-eu customers are exempted of VAT). Head to the store.
For the people in the Brussels area, I will be exhibiting my controllers at Makerstown on Tuesday 24th May (next week). Come to take a look and try them out!
In my hometown, we will also be exhibiting at our local Maker Festival Twente with my colleagues of Fablab Enschede!