This 14/15/16 of June I will get plenty of modular action. I am going to 3 events that are organised by dedicated and passionated people.
On Friday the 14th, there is an event in my hometown of Enschede, in the Netherlands. We have a great little of community of syntheads. Last edition was a lot of fun. It takes place in the sickhouse, an old Hospital building where all sort of cool underground and art things are going on. Link to event.
On Saturday, I will travel to Belgium (my country originally) to participate to the PULSE festival. There is a great live line-up and a nice makers maker. It sounds very promising, there is a second hand market and some interest for DIYers. Link to event.
On Sunday, I have the opportunity to present my modules at the Square Wave modular improvisation session in Deventer, The Netherlands. Link to event.