Another Christmas miracle 🎉 The SFC-OB, my MIDI controller for OB-style synth plugins, is now ready to ship from Stock is on the way to the USA at Perfect Circuit with pre-order available soon. In the UK, Signal Sounds has stock. Units will ship to Canada to Cicada Sound next week. And Dupertuis in Switzerland will have stock soon as well.

As with previous controllers, users can enjoy 2-way integration using the latest Arturia OP-Xa V. This means that the controller interface can be updated when presets are changed in the plugin, when plugin instances are switched or even manually on demand. The controller even accounts for discrepancies between a plugin pot-position and a controller pot-position, and implements pick-up or smoothing modes to avoid juming values. This allows for an improved and tighthly integrated workflow. Other traditional 1-way MIDI CC mapping is available for the brand new GForce OB-X, SonicProjects OP-X PRO-II, DiscoDSP OB-Xd and Synapse Obsession. Those modes, even though more limited, still offer a fantastic new hands-on experience for virtual synth users.
The controller is assembled in The Netherlands with parts from Europe and Asia. It is built to last and withstand intense usage on tour and in the studio. SoundForce has an excellent track record for its controller line, with many units built and very little registered issues and repairs. The enclosure is made of 100% sheet metal and is manufactured by Grawart ( The case is made of bent steel and powder coated in black. The front panel is aluminum, also powder coated and screen printed with scratch-proof white and blue ink. Walnut wood side panels of 8mm thickness are fitted to both sides of the controller. On the electronics and firmware side, the controller is powered by the same STM32 Cortex-M micro-controller platform used successfully in previous products, insuring a very high level of compatibility with different computers and DAWs.
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