! Important ! Disclaimer

This update is only compatible with the latest current hardware revision of the SFC-Mini V3. Never update an older model with this firmware!!

NEVER UNPLUG THE CONTROLLER OR CLOSE THE PROGRAMMER UNTIL YOU ARE POSITIVE THE UPDATE PROCESS IS DONE. The process is fully finished when the updater app says “Done!”. UPDATES ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK, BRICKED CONTROLLERS CAN BE SENT BACK FOR REPAIR. That being said this is the process I am using to program the controller during development (using command line instructions) and it’s running perfectly, just don’t break the process when it’s busy and you will be fine.

What you will need:

  • a 100% reliable USB-B printer type cable
  • a windows or MAC computer

Firmware updates available:

– 12/06/2022:

  • Added the plugin mode selection

MAC tutorial:

1. Unplug the controller.

2. Press and hold down the SHIFT button

3. Plug in your controller and wait 5 seconds. You can now release the button and start the updater app. In the newest MacOS versions, you will need to authorize the app in the System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Open Anyway. After starting the App, the process will automatically start.

The update is successful when you can read the following message at the bottom :

Download [=========================] 100% xxxxxx bytes
Download done.
DFU state(8) = dfuMANIFEST-WAIT-RESET, status(0) = No error condition is present
Resetting USB to switch back to runtime mode

5. Unplug and replug your controller to reboot the controller with the new firmware. You can check the version number in the control panel: https://sound-force.nl/SFC_Mini_Control_Panel_V3/

If it fails, copy the full text inside of the updater app window and send an email: nicolas@sound-force.nl

Windows tutorial:

1. First download the drivers for Windows and unzip. In the “drivers” folder, run the “install_drivers” script, say yes to any prompt. This might take a while and different command windows will open. Let it patiently finish.

2. Install Java for Windows (if you don’t have java yet)

3. Then download and unzip the Windows updater and run the “SoundForce_update_app” script.

4. Hold down the SHIFT button and plug in your controller. Press a key on your computer.

5. If the update was successful, you should read the following message at the bottom

Starting download: [#########################################] finished!
state(8) = dfuMANIFEST-WAIT-RESET, status(0) = No error condition is present
Resetting USB to switch back to runtime mode

6. If the process is hanging simply close the window and run the script again. If that doesn’t help, copy the full text inside of the updater app window and send an email: nicolas@sound-force.nl