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Presets for christmas!

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Last week I implented a preset function into the SFC-60 MIDI controller. Since firmware V1.4 you can now save your favourite sounds into the memory of the controller itself and load them any time you want. You don’t have to save your sounds using the plugin anymore and can manage your presets directly from the controller. It’s a big deal for performing live. There are 3 banks of 14 presets available, so 52 in total. You can now also define a default preset that always get loaded when you plug the controller into the computer. This function will also be available in the forthcoming SFC-101 controller.

Video about preset mamagement coming soon!
Merry Christmas!

Introducing the SoundForce SFC-101

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A custom MIDI controller for the excellent TAL-BassLine-101, a software synthetizer modelling the legendary Roland SH-101.

More about SoundForce :
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