Chorus modules shipping and demo “film” by Bries

By August 31, 2023Main page blog

After a 3 months wait for the BBD chips, they finally were delivered right during my summer break. Last week I was able to start to finish the first batch of uChorus 6 and Chorus 6. It’s now shipping from the webshop and stock will reach dealers starting from next week. The first modules are already flying to Perfect Circuit at the moment.

Since last year I have the opportunity of having Bries testing and demoing SoundForce modules. I was always very impressed by the level of depth which he goes to and how musical his experimentation with the modules are. So it was clear that I wanted to him ask again for the Chorus modules. The result is a 1 hour 11 minutes film 🙂 Of course everything is labelled in the timeline, so you can jump to certain parts if you don’t have time to watch the whole thing.